BeneHeart R3
Conveniently Portable
BeneHeart R3 is exceptionally portable yet comes equipped with many of the features you would expect to find on a much larger ECG system.
BeneHeart R3 utilises the University of Glasgow ECG analysis algorithm, one of the worlds leading resting ECG interpretations with 50 years of history.
The Glasgow algorithm is the first to be based on specific variables, including age, gender, race, medication, and class in order to maximise the accuracy of the ECG interpretation

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Key Features
- Li-ion battery with 6 hours of continuous operation
- Weighs only 1.2 kg
- 5inch color display
- ECG paper unfolds onto the writing pad to make documention quick and easy
- Saves up to 800 ECG Reports on the internal memory
- Reports can be exported in pdf form to a USB device or directly over anetwork connection
- Automatic pacemaker detection
- Connect to an external printer to capture reports on full A4
- Optional WiFi
- Optional Roll Stand
- Optional Carry Bag