DC-70 X-Insight
Diagnostic Ultrasound System
Quality exams at your fingertips
An insightful solution to envision more
Mindray’s brand-new solution is an excellent transforming of continuous customer insights into clinical needs, combined with evolving cutting-edge ultrasound technologies. Full of vitality, with the goal of insight into the future and pursuit of the unlimitedness, it isconstantly improving with increased scalability.
High efficiency with precision imaging
As an intimate partner, DC-70 with X-Insight focuses on what matters to you, helping you manage your daily clinical practice with ease and certainty.Based on deep insights into customer needs, the DC-70 with X-Insight is designed to deliverhigh efficiency with precision imaging, which is empowered by eXpress clarity and eXceptionalIntelligence, and benefits from a eXceeding experience

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Key Features
- 5-inch or 23.8-inch high resolution color LED monitor, Resolution: 1920*1080
- Viewing angle: 89°left/right/up/down
- Digital on-screen display of brightness and contrast controls
- 3-inch multi-touch LED touch screen Resolution: 1920*1080
- Touch screen panel angle adjustable for easy visualization: 30 degrees in rotation
- B-Mode
- M-Mode
- Color M Mode
- Color Doppler Imaging
- Power Doppler Imaging and Directional PDI
- Pulsed Wave Doppler
- iBeamTM (Spatial Compound Imaging)
- iClearTM (Speckle Suppression Imaging)
- iTouchTM (Auto Image Optimization)
- X-Engine
- Echo BoostTM
- Zoom/iZoom (Full Screen Zoom)
- FCI (Frequency Compound Imaging)
- B steer
- ExFOV (Extended Field of View)
- HR FlowTM (High Resolution Flow)
- Raw data processing
- 4 active universal probe ports, 1 more for pencil probe only
- hard drive
- DVD R/W driver
- Built-in wireless adapter
- USB 3.0 ports.
- Touch gestures
- iStorage
- MedSight
- MedTouch
- iScanHelper
- Smart Doppler
- Smart Track
- Continuous Wave Doppler
- Free Xros MTM
- Free Xros CMTM
- iScapeTM View
- Smart 3DTM
- Real-time 4D
- iPage+ (Multi-Slice Imaging)
- SCV+ (Slice Contrast View)
- STIC (Spatio-Temporal Image Correlation)
- CMPRTM (Curved MPR)
- Color 3D
- Niche/3 Slice
- iLive
- Smart Planes CNS
- Smart Face
- Smart FLC
- Smart-V TM (Smart Volume)
- Auto IMT
- Elastography
- UWN Contrast Imaging
- UWN Contrast Imaging™
- Quantification Analysis Software
- Auto EF
- TDI (Include TVI, TVD, TVM, TEI)
- TDI QA (TDI Quantitative Analysis, including strain/strain rate)
- LVO(Left Ventricular Opacification)
- Stress Echo
- Tissue Tracking with Quantitative Analysis
- Clinical Measurement Package
- Smart OBTM (Auto OB measurement)
- Smart NTTM(Auto NT measurement)
- iWorksTM ( Auto Workflow Protocol)
- iNeedleTM ( Needle Visualization Enhancement)
- Built-in battery
- Gel warmer
- UltraView
Thunder-speed imaging powered by X-Engine
The new X-Engine integrated with both GPU and CPU enables multi-core parallel processing for fast imaging and superb clarity. With the advanced imaging engine,the imaging processing speed is accelerated three or four times faster than
traditional processing, resulting in extremely fast imaging and superb clarity for 3D/4D and other applications.
Superb visualization with Hyaline
Comprehensive upgrading on iLive to significantly improve the detail resolution as well as anatomical realism. Hyaline is a new rendering method that dynamically applies transparency to rendered structures for a more comprehensive view of anatomy, therefore better displaying internal anatomy from a solid surface.